Post by RottNKorpse on Jan 24, 2006 14:44:04 GMT -5
ProBoards for example...this host is pathetic and the forum engine is pure crap...you guys should use www.forumer.com and whats with you people using geocities and angelfire or tripod...those are the WORST free host there are...geez get with it and besides you could spend like $40 and have your own host with no ads...how is that alot of money for a year? check out www.visuex.com they have great deals on hosting...come on people stop with the crap hosts.
Post by DVC Manager on Jan 28, 2006 15:33:13 GMT -5
ya know I don't remember anyone asking for your advice on getting a website. I use tripod and know that they have great tools on there that would benefit anyone using it from pro's to amateurs. I know ya think ya got all these great answers and advice that people could use, but trust me most advice is better used when someone asks for it. I know what you're gonna say I have my own opinion and I can probably stick it where the sun don't shine but dude unless you're talking about wrestling I think everyone can decide for themselves what's best for them as far as websites and message boards.
Post by RottNKorpse on Jan 28, 2006 15:54:59 GMT -5
no see if people dont know to ask for it then why would they...some people just assume that geocities, angelfire or tripod are the only free hosts there are...but thats just not true...it used to be true but now there are hundreds of hosts which some dont even put ads on your sites which is much better than ads...it just looks sad. If you put the ads there thats different but when using crap you dont have to is just uninformed people who dont know you dont have to.
Did I say that the people who use it are pathetic? No, I said those hosts are pathetic...you just took offense or something because you are one of the people who don't know better. Instead of being a jackass and trying to call me out saying no one asked for my advice why dont you actually take my advice and get something that isnt pathetic. Infact there are like 5 indy feds I have ever seen that dont have extremely crappy websites...its like a rule for indy feds or so it seems.
Oh feel free to reply with some jackass statement like you did with acting like you knew what I would say...I won't be surprised.
Post by DVC Manager on Jan 28, 2006 18:49:21 GMT -5
Ya see you're using your own opinion just as I was using mine. It's your opinion that these sites are pathetic. Your opinion doesn't really matter. If these free host sites offer the indy fed's or whoever chooses to use them what they want then who are you to tell them their sites are pathetic. I mean I'm a realist not a jackass as you proclaim, I relize you were just trying to help people who obviously don't want or need it, if so they would have asked you for it. As for the "ads" on these sites, who cares if they're there, it's not like the people are paying for the site, and most of the time the site itself is and advertisement for the indy fed or the individual using it. The site I use, is from tripod I don't pay for it and guess what there are no ads that detract from what the site is all about. I know there are other options out there but I chose this one because of all the benefits. I looked at all the options wether it was a free or pay site.
I don't have a particular beef with ya. Hell I don't know you or for that matter do I care to. I'm not trying to defend tripod, geocities, angelfire or any other free or even paid for site out there. I just don't see what value the original post you put up brings to this board and the indy fed's around here that post on it. I agree some feds sites are kinda lacking in their own rights and some of those are actually paid for, but it's up to that individual or fed to fix it and believe me I'm sure they are already aware of the resources needed to fix it. It's having the desire and drive to do something about it not just the resources.
I'm not sure if this was the "jackass" statement you were expecting, frankly I don't care. You took my reply to you as calling you out?? Obviously you haven't a clue about life, it's not just wrestling or for that matter websites. If the people who have the sites aren't satisified with what it looks like or what it does for their indy fed or whatever, it's their responsibility to change it, not yours to be-little their sites or site hosts because they don't live up to your expectations.
Post by RottNKorpse on Jan 30, 2006 12:51:03 GMT -5
Yup I was wrong you didnt have a jackass statement...you had many. You have the worst arguement for this..."If they dont want to know then dont tell them." That is one of the biggest load of crap statements I have ever heard. If you dont freakin know there are alternatives then what the hell makes you think they will even ask. I never once called any particular fed pathetic or even the feds that use the crap hosts pathetic...I simply called the hosts pathetic...dont try to make it seem like I was saying one thing when I wasnt at all.
Anyway, you dont want to know me? lol thank god. I've talked to some jackass people before but you've earned your spot at the top.
What relevance did my post have on this forum? Well maybe nothing to you but it may have been usefull to others...how the hell would you know otherwise.
You try to talk for everyone when you dont know what they want...see that makes you a jackass. I gave advice...whether it is used or not is up to the person reading it. NOT YOU!!! Decide for your own crap sure but shut the hell up when it comes to everyone else...maybe they all dont want to take my advice but it still isnt your decision. You havent made one valid point in any of your ramblings. So quit while you're a jackass for the hope it doesnt evolve.
You like tripod...yay for you...I doubt everyone loves ads on their sites...just because you do doesnt make it a good thing. Oh and they are always for wrestling? lol what...no see usually its for something random that has nothing to do with the site...the only way it is every simular is if it has google ads and that usually requires for the site owner to add the ads themselves.
So reply with why I'm wrong and I'm sure it wont be valid and it will just a bunch of crap like dont answer unless a question has been asked...Thats about as briliant as if some scientist found a cure for aids or cancer but he decided to not tell anyone until they asked him for it...SEE HOW STUPID THAT IS?!? of course you do...